
Pećine Ellore

Pećine Ellore čini 34 pećinska hrama isklesanih u Charanandri brdo oko 30 km od grada Aurangabada u indijskog državi Maharaštra.

Izgradili su ih vladari Raštrakuta od 5. do 12. veka u gotovo vertikalnim liticama brda Charanandri. Od 34 hrama, koji predstavljaju osnove arhitekture indijskih pećinskih hramova, njih 12 su budistički , 17 hinduistički  i 5. džainistička hrama, što govori o zajedničkom životu i toleranciji ovih religija u srednjovekovnoj Indiji.

Zato su 1983. godine upisani na UNESKO-v spisak mesta Svetske baštine.

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Gajantaka Shiva | Gajasurasamhara . Kailasa Temple, Ellora caves, Aurangabad, Maharashtra. 🇮🇳 . Ellora Caves is an Art lovers paradise. One could spend hours here admiring every nook of this complex for mind-boggling artwork. . Shiva is seen here as Gajantaka, slayer of the Elephant demon, sanding in a dynamic pose with one of his ten hands touching Parvati on his left. With the Saptaka Matrika below his right foot he is adorn by two Gana's besides his head and an elephant on his right. Also seen are his attributes the Trisula, Damru, Kapala (skullcap) as he wears a Mala of human heads around his neck and a dancing skeleton between his legs. . Mythology tells that once, an elephant demon named Gajasura attacked Shiva devotees in Varanasi. An angry Shiva came to the rescue and ripped off the demon apart, keeping the skin for himself. #gajantaka #gajasurasamhara #shiva #slayer #demondestroyer #stonecarving #ancient #art #artwork #kailasa #temple #elloracaves #aurangabad #maharashtra #historicalmonument #unesco #worldheritagesite #design #masterpiece #travelphotography #incredibleindia #archaeological #site #humanhistory #inthenameofgod #ruins #mythological #dancingshiva #nikon #ccd

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