Novi trailer za „Jurassic World Dominion“

Objavljen je novi trailer za film „Jurassic World Dominion“ koji dolazi u beogradske bioskope od 9. juna. Uloge: BD Wong, Bryce Dallas Howard, Campbell Scott, Chris Pratt, Daniella Pineda, DeWanda Wise, Dichen Lachman, Isabella Sermon, Jeff Goldblum, Justice Smith, Laura Dern, Mamoudou Athie, Omar Sy, Sam Neill, Scott Haze Foto:Ilustracija/pixabay

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Novi trailer za horor „Black Phone“

Objavljen je novi trailer za horor film „Black Phone“ koji dolazi u beogradske bioskope od 23. juna. Dečaka Finija Šo otima sadistički, maskirani ubica i drži u zatočeništvu. Kada isključen telefon na zidu počne da zvoni, dečak ubrzo otkriva da može da čuje glasove prethodnih žrtava ubice. Glumac: Ethan Hawke, James Ransone, Jeremy Davies, Madeleine McGraw, Mason ThamesRežiser: Scott Derrickson Foto:Ilustracija/ pixabay

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U poslednja 24 časa od posledica virusa preminulo je osam osoba

Ministarstvo zdravlja Vlade Republike Srbije saopštilo je danas da su u poslednja 24 časa registrovane 342 osobe koje su bile pozitivne na koronavirus, od testiranih 3.978. Na bolničkom lečenju je 380 pacijenata, od čega se 25 nalazi na respiratorima. U poslednja 24 časa od posledica virusa preminulo je osam osoba.

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U ponedeljak, 02. maja 2022. godine, na svim grobljima neće biti dozvoljen ulazak automobila od 07:00 do 15:00 časova. Kapije za ulaz motornih vozila biće otvorene od 15:00 časova, saopštili su iz JKP „Pogrebne usluge”. Na Novom, Zemunskom i Topčiderskom groblju je na snazi potpuna zabrana ulaska za automobile na Pobusani ponedeljak, 02. maja 2022. godine.

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Temple of the Holy Great Martyr Prince Lazarus

The temple of the Holy Great Martyr Prince Lazar or the Crypt of the Memorial Temple of Saint Sava has a total area of about 1,800 square meters and a depth of 7 meters. The crypt of the Memorial Temple of Saint Sava is located in the underground part of the Memorial Temple of Saint Sava. Originally, the crypt, which consists of two rooms, was supposed to be 250 m2 and be dedicated to Prince Lazar and the funeral of future Serbian patriarchs. In 2001, Patriarch Pavle gave his blessing…

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The installation of mosaics in the Temple of Saint Sava in Belgrade

The installation of mosaics in the Temple of Saint Sava in Belgrade officially began on August 30, 2016. An agreement on the donation of Russia was signed in the Presidency of Serbia, which officially started the works on the interior decoration of the Temple of Saint Sava. The project is financed from non-budget funds provided by Russian companies operating in Serbia, and according to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, Roshotrudnichestvo is the general coordinator of works for the interior decoration of the Temple. The…

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First fountain in Belgrade

The first fountain in Belgrade was built on April 2, 1927, and was removed in 1947, when Terazije was reconstructed again. It is certainly little known to the people of Belgrade that in the period from 1913 to 1940, Terazije was called the Crown Prince’s Square. The first known decoration of Terazije began in 1911, and the work of arranging was given to the architect Veselin Lukić, and the very details of its appearance were contributed by the first lady of the architect in Serbia, Jelisaveta Načić. After the end…

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