
Princ Vilijam na naslovnoj strani gej časopisa

Princ Vilijam pojaviće se na naslovnoj strani gej časopisa Attitude ako je sudeći po naslovnoj strani gde kaže da niko ne treba da bude zlostavljan zbog svoje seksualnosti govoriće o toj temi.

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"No one should be bullied for their sexuality. Don't put up with it. Be proud of the person you are." The Duke of Cambridge is on the cover of the next issue of @attitudemag speaking out against bullying. In early May 2016, His Royal Highness met with a group of young LGBT people convened by @attitudemag at Kensington Palace to listen to their experiences of bullying, and the mental health impacts it can have. The fight against bullying is a key priority of The Duke's work. His Royal Highness recently established a taskforce on the prevention of cyberbullying, and is leading the Heads Together campaign on mental health and wellbeing along with The Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry

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Ovo je prvi put u istoriji kraljevske porodice da neko pozira za gej časopis.

Foto: Instagram/kensingtonroyal