Padobranac iz Oklahome imao je zadatak da sleti na stadion u Oklahomi i dostavi loptu. Kada je skočio glavni padobran mu se otkačio pri brzini od 193km na sat. Srećom uspeo je na vreme da aktivira pomoćni padobran i da se spusti na stadion. Više možete pročitati na njegovoj stanici na facebook-u.
Here is the raw video of my demo jump from yesterday, with a reserve ride. I was skydiving with the game ball into a soccer stadium in OKC. Everything was going to plan until I open my parachute. I lost my main parachute and freebag but did have a successful landing and got to deliver the game ball to the official.
Posted by Daniel Herndon on Wednesday, June 29, 2016