
Tesla’s fountain in Belgrade

Tesla’s fountain in Belgrade was ceremoniously put into operation on July 12, 2007 on the corner of Krunska and Prote Mateje streets.

Tesla’s fountain /Photo: A.M

Tesla’s fountain in Belgrade is the first fountain in the world made according to the patent of Nikola Tesla from 1913. The initiative for the construction of the fountain was initiated by JKP Belgrade Waterworks and Sewerage and the Nikola Tesla Museum.

The initiative for setting up the fountain was launched in 1984 by the Nikola Tesla Museum, and many Nikola Tesla admirers joined this initiative. At that time, many locations throughout Belgrade were proposed.

The realization of the fountain, according to the patent of Nikola Tesla from 1913, and all assemblies of Tesla’s pump and fountain were performed by experts from the company CPCCAD Proffesional Sys. led by Dr. Milan Bojanovic. The spatial solution was made by the architect mr. Janko Krstić.

Tesla’s fountain /Photo: A.M

Autor: Aleksandar od Beograda